
Galaxius is my take on the mobile space shoot-em-up genre. It started as a simple test project for me to practice getting better at making games, but eventually grew to something much bigger. So big that I now have my own company named after it! It has been a very large part of my life and I am very exited to have finally published it to the world.

From the very beginning, I knew I wanted my game to stand out, and that it would be hard to do so. There are so many other games games with the same premise, most of them being pay-to-win cash grabs.

These games are filled to the brim with microtransactions and ads, and are generally not fun to play.

But Galaxius was made with fun in mind.

You control a spaceship, which shoots automatically. Fight against the onslaught of enemies invading the galaxy. The enemy spaceships all have different movement and shooting patterns, so a lot of quick thinking is required. Gain energy by getting close to enemy bullets, and unleash your ability! You can slow down time, create a storm of bullets, steal the enemies health, and much more.

There are tons of upgrades to buy to become extremely powerful, but none of them are locked behind paywalls. I am proud to say that Galaxius is not pay-to-win and doesn't spam you with ads. Galaxius is all about fun gameplay, epic bossfights, and awesome music!

Galaxius is the culmination of what feels like endless tweaking and polishing to make it as good as I can. It's a game made with fun in mind, and I hope you give it a download!